CYC-online special issue
The CYC-online special issue from December 2017 features presentations from the 33rd FICE Congress and 2nd CYC World Conference in Vienna, that took place from 22 to 25 August 2017.
Professionals who presented at the Vienna Congress were invited to send their work as written papers which could be published in one of the electronic Journals that offered us to create a "FICE Special Issue". These Journals are the CYC-Online of the CYC-NET network, with James Freeman as Editor, and the open-access scientific Journal of the University of Victoria, the International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies (IJCYFS), with Prof. Sibylle Artz as Editor.
The group of the Editorial Board that worked voluntarily during these last 18 month consisted of Prof. James Anglin from the University Of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Prof. Silke Gahleitner from the Alice-Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany - who was also the Chair of the Scientific committee of the Vienna Congress, and Prof. Emmanuel Grupper, Vice –President of FICE and Chairman of its Editorial Board. Great thanks are extended to all three of them for their strenuous work!
The IJCYFS journal's special issue is to be published at the beginning of 2018 with Jim Anglin, Silke Gahleitner and Emmanuel Grupper as guest editors. The journal editor has decided to divide the very interesting material in three different issues that would be released during the first month of 2018.
The first outcome is available for download. Enjoy reading the CYC-online Special issue!