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How to Become a Member

If you want to join FICE-International and become a member of the organization please fill the application forms below and send them to General Secretariat office or contact the office.


Address:Hasengasse 60/14
1100 Vienna

Phone:+43 676 6190871

Fax:+43 1 74034 99 11390





Full Membership

Full Members represent their countries as National Members on the Federal Council and at General Assemblies. Regardless of the size of the country or of the Member, each country has two votes.

Full Members pay a subscription based upon a formula devised by Rolf Widmer, the Treasurer, which takes account of the population of the country, its wealth in terms of average earnings and the size of the organisation which is seeking to be a member.

Where two organisations represent a country, each one has one vote.

Associate Membership

In order to become a Full Member, organisations go through the stage of being Associate Members, while FICE-International considers their application.


Usually, this means that the applicant :

  • attends the Federal Council meetings in a non-voting capacity to present its case for membership and meet Members from other countries.

  • corresponds with the Executive Committee members about the expected level of fees, the nature of their organisation, its constitution, its membership, its plans and what it hopes to gain from FICE membership.

In particular, Associate Members need to demonstrate that:

  • their organisation’s aims are consistent with those of FICE.

  • their constitution permits individuals and organisations involved in services for children who wish to be members of FICE to join them.

The period of Associate Membership usually last one or two years, and during this period no fees are required.


Individual and Organisational Membership

The Federal Council has recently authorised a new policy to permit individuals and organisations to join FICE-International directly if there is no National Member in their country for them to join.

They do not have votes in the General Assembly or Federal Council, but at the discretion of the President, they may attend and take part in FICE-International’s activities. Members joining in this way may become involved before deciding how best to establish a National Member organisation in their country.

The annual subscription is 200 Swiss Francs for organisations and 40 Swiss Francs for individuals.


The Benefits of Membership

1. The benefits of Individual and Organisational Membership of FICE-International are :

  • a hard copy of all material circulated to National Members by FICE-International

  • access to all Federal Council papers

  • access to confidential material on the closed FICE pages of the FICE-International website

  • reduced prices for published material for sale

  • access to the PEP scheme and other FICE projects

  • eligibility to stand for office in FICE-International

  • attendance at Federal Council meetings as observers at the President’s discretion

  • the right to attend General Assemblies

  • a reduction in Congress fees.

Individual and Organisational Members do not have the right to vote, either at the Federal Council or at the General Assembly.

2. The benefits of National Membership of FICE are:

  • all the benefits open to Individual and Organisational Members

  • the right for representatives to speak and vote at General Assemblies and Federal Council meetings, thus contributing to FICE’s policy-making and decision-making

  • a lower total subscription to FICE-International than if their members had joined directly as individuals or organisations.

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c/o Tipiti Gesamtschule Turmlihaus
Schopfackerstrasse 15
9043 Trogen

© 2024 by FICE International

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