NENESZ ASSOCIATION (Nevelőközösségek Nemzetközi Szövetsége a Magyar Gyermekekért) - Individual organizational member
The aim of the NENESZ association is to provide to as many children living in children’s home and their companions as possible opportunities to spend their free time usefully. The association’s target group are children living in children’s home. In Hungary there are nearly 24 000 children living in different homes across the country. 90% of these children are minors and 10% are young adults under the age of 24 being part of an adult safeguard plan (eg.: still studying). Taking in consideration the fact that in Hungary children under the age of 12 are living in foster care, the NENESZ association reaches two third of the minors through the foster care system. Children above the age of 12 are living in children’s home and residential homes and the association maintains contact with them through the heads of institutions and educators.
The founding members of the association have been supporting at-risk and familyless children, as well as children and young people with special educational needs. The NENESZ association, registered as a non-governmental organisation, consists of a 3-member Bureau - President, Vice-President, Member of the Bureau - as well as members and patrons.
The primary objective of the NENESZ association is to support and nurture talent for children without families. Hungary in accordance with its Fundamental Law and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, signed in New York on 20 November 1989, supports the creation of equal opportunities for disadvantaged children and young adults living in Hungary and beyond the borders. In this, it plays a prominent role in the realization of as many sports and cultural events as possible that carry real and traditional values for children, not only in the protection of children. Creating equal opportunities for disadvantaged children and young adults living in Hungary and beyond the borders. The NENESZ association addresses children aged 3-24 with its programs and programs.
President: Szántó Edina Anna
Nevelőközösségek Nemzetközi Szövetsége a Magyar Gyermekekért
NENESZ egyesület
2119 Pécel
Szondy utca 94.
Phone number: +36-30-251-06-01