International Federation of Educative Communities – Kenya
The President is Simon Peter Otieno.
The idea of FICE Kenya was conceived at the 2010 FICE Conference in South Africa where Kenya was represented as an observer.
FICE Kenya applied for registration and was registered as International Federation of Educative Communities – Kenya in February 2012.
To promote the welfare of children and youth to grow and develop as better citizens of their country, region and the entire world.
To create networks in Kenya to support the wellbeing of children and young people.
A country where children and young people enjoy all the rights due to them as a result of pooling together efforts by all organizations working with children and young people.
Members of FICE-Kenya are
1. Make Me Smile – Kenya
2. Towers of Hope – Kenya
Main activities
Support the family as the basic social structure for the upbringing of children and young people.
Promote the rights of children and young people together with their families by focussing on orphans, vulnerable children and those with special needs.
Develop standards for children with special needs, children at risk, and children living in child and youth care institutions.
Influence the experts in the field and political decision-makers by means of the new media and means of communication of its work and its findings.
Promote the initial and ongoing local and international training of child and youth care workers who work with young people in various settings.
Promote international exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of childcare through trainings, meetings, seminars, symposiums and research.
Advocate for the highest quality of care and education for children and young people unable to live at home.
In the spirit of international understanding and global solidarity support within its means meetings and exchanges of professionals as well as children and young adults.
Provide limited relief efforts in cases of war and catastrophes to children, young people and their families.
Solicit funds for the smooth running of the organisations activities.
International Volunteer placements in partner organizations.
Simon Peter Otieno – President
Address:P.O.BOX 3033 – CODE 40100,
Phone:+254 727 867 339;