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FICE 2019 Congress in Israel - Save the dates 29 October - 1 November

FICE International 34th world Congress

Better Future Opportunities for Children in Multicultural Societies

Save the dates

29, 30, 31 October 2019

Tel Aviv, Israel

FICE – International Congress 2019 welcoming message

Welcome to all future participants in FICE International 34th World Congress in Tel Aviv, Israel. It is with great pleasure that the Israeli members of FICE International, together with a large group of Israeli organizations, all active in the field of Education and Care of children and young people who need alternative care, welcome you to Israel. It is a great honor for us to host the 34th World Congress of FICE-International. The congress will take place in Tel Aviv area from October 29th until November 1nd 2019.

As the chairman of the organizing committee, I am honored that most of governmental agencies and civil society organizations active in Israel in the field of Education and care of children and young people who need specialized services, both in out-of-home care and in community based programs, joined together to meet this challenge.

The theme that was chosen for the congress is very relevant to most societies all over the world, which are becoming more and more multicultural. The challenge of our era is to guarantee "Better Future Opportunities for Children and Young People in Multicultural Societies". The Congress website will soon be working and would be constantly updating information about the congress. We are particularly happy that the European Union member states have selected "children without parental care" as the proposed theme for the 2019 resolution on the Rights of the Child. This would certainly be one of the focuses of our discussions and deliberations during the Congress. Other topics would be refugee youth and unaccompanied minors, education and learning challenges of children and adolescents in care, sexual abuse, aggressive behavior on the net, care leavers, just to name a few of them.

Hoping to see all of you in Tel Aviv, Israel in October 2019.

On behalf of the organizing committee

Prof. Emmanuel Grupper, Chairman

The day of FICE Business meetings (October 28th), would take place in Ben Shemen youth village, located 5 kilometers from Ben Gurion International airport. Therefore, delegates can plan their arrival directly there from airport, and at the end of the meetings, there will be organized transportation to hotels.

Hoping to see all of you in Tel Aviv, Israel in October 2019!

On behalf of the organizing committee

Prof. Emmanuel Grupper, Chairman

Web site of the congress and call for papers would be

launched in October-November 2018. Meanwhile for

further information write to

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