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FICE Switzerland:
FICE - the Féderation Internationale des Communautés Educatives - was founded in 1948 with the support of Unesco in the Pestalozzi Children's Village in Trogen; FICE Switzerland in April 1951 as the "Swiss Association for Children's Villages and Youth Settlements". Those involved maintained a regular exchange with the leaders, staff and young people of other Children's Villages that existed in Europe at that time. The aim was to develop the best possible work for and with the children and young people in the villages.

Today, FICE Switzerland continues to work for children in risk situations and the implementation of the rights of the child. It is committed to good quality in out-of-home child and youth care, for example in foster families and child and youth homes. There is also a special focus on children and young people with refugee experience. Special attention is given to the collaboration of young people in care or leaving care in projects and initiatives.

FICE Switzerland:

  • Promotes youth empowerment and participatory quality development in alternative care

  • Is involved in the debate on forms of alternative care for children.

  • Promotes international and national professional exchanges.

  • Establishes contacts and networks with organisations and networks in the field of alternative care for children.

  • Promotes the establishment for transnational partnerships.

  • Supports the discussion and implementation of the rights of the child in alternative care.


Patrick Seigerschmidt 


Main activities:

Activities include:

  • Provision of information on international developments in the field to the Swiss members and provision of information on Swiss developments to members of FICE International.

  • Current and past projects and initiatives such as:

  • Support to the foundation and establishment of new FICE sections, e.g. FICE Brazil, FICE network NENESZ in Hungary, and to the participation of other FICE sections in FICE International.

  • National and international seminars and events, e.g. for members as well as for students of social work and social pedagogy or the international professional community (FICE Congress in Bern, 2013).

  • Active roles in FICE Europe and FICE International and participation in joint projects and initiatives.

  • Professional and academic publications as well as presentations in conferences.



FICE Switzerland currently has 63 organisation (collective) members and 35 individual members from the field of alternative care for children, including members from service providers, authorities, professional associations and universities. They elect the board members (voluntaries) of the organisation.



Address: c/o Impact Hub Zürich, Sihlquai 131, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland

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c/o Tipiti Gesamtschule Turmlihaus
Schopfackerstrasse 15
9043 Trogen

© 2024 by FICE International

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